Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psalm 23:6 Forever Home

Surely your [God’s] goodness and love will follow 
me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the 
house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23:6

This post is in memory of my precious Aunt JoAnne, who stepped through the gates into the house of the LORD on Friday evening, July 26, 2019.

David ends this psalm with confidence and praise. How can he do differently? His praise for his Shepherd has flowed from every verse.
  • God is David’s provider (Psalm 23:1).
  • God brings David to places of peace and refreshes his soul (Psalm 23:1-3a). 
  • God guides David in the right way when he has decisions to make. (Psalm 23:3a).
  • God encourages and strengthens David, even when he walks through dark times; His presence comforts him during hardship and difficulty. (Psalm 23:4b).
  • God sustains David when he faces dangerous enemies and fills him to overflowing with His grace (Psalm 23:5).

Like David, we can experience God’s peace, guidance, presence, and love, no matter our circumstances. 

David doesn’t qualify his statements to match his circumstances. I do that too often. I acknowledge God’s peace when things are going well and I feel His presence when I’m on the mountain top.

During dark times, I sometimes allow despair to capture my mind and I often accuse God of leaving me to suffer alone.

We can claim the promise of David’s words: God’s goodness and love follow us every day of our lives. Not just on sunny days, not only when life is easy, but every day!

And when our days end, we can know that we know that we will step into His House and live with Him forever. We can cling to the promise that we will join our family and friends who have gone before us.

When I step into eternity, my mom, my parents-in-love, my grandparents, my Aunt JoAnne, and so many other loved ones will be waiting for me and we will rejoice with Jesus forever.

In my next post, we close out our journey through Psalm 23 and mine the gems that await us as we apply it to our daily lives. 

How do David's words in Psalm 23:6 increase your confidence in God?

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Psalm 23:5 Sit at God's Table

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. 
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5

This is my favorite verse in Psalm 23. Why? Because it reveals God's grace and loving care, and it doesn't depend on me or on my choices.

God is faithful and true to His character, whether we are faithful or not. Even in our disobedience, God is with us and cares for us.

David knows a lot about enemies, even though he is young. He serves King Saul who is plagued by evil spirits and, quite often, Saul turns against him and attacks him. As David gets older, he leads King Saul's armies out to face Israel's fierce enemies and defeats them. 

Through it all, David relies on God. He doesn't assume God will give him earthly victory, but he knows God is there to sustain him and to provide protection for him. 

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. 
What a comforting picture, especially when we feel like we are surrounded by enemies. He prepares a table - a table where we can sit and catch our breaths for a bit. 
A table full of the food of Scripture to sustain us. A table with the cooling, refreshing water of His presence to encourage us.  

You anoint my head with oil.
Oil symbolizes richness, honor; it shows how much the anointer cherishes the person he anoints. 
God Himself anoints David. 
God Himself anoints us as we sit at His table. He expresses how cherished we are to Him. Though we might be surrounded by enemies, He anoints us with the richness of His strength, courage, and the assurance of certain victory in Christ. 

My [David's] cup overflows.
David could make no greater statement of faith and gratitude to his Lord. 
How often do I praise God for His goodness in the midst of my enemies?
Even in difficult circumstances, our cups overflow with God's love, sustaining power, and strength. When we are exhausted, we are refreshed and restored by His presence. 

What tender care the Father bestows on us in our time of need. Often we're too focused on the need to see how much He cherishes us. A deep love that led Jesus to the cross and anoints us with His presence every day.

How has God fed you at His table in difficult times?